Robert Priddy Exposed

Exposing The Anti-Sai Extremist And Ex-Devotee Of Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba.

Friday, May 28, 2010

More On Robert Priddy's LSD Advocacy

More On Robert Priddy’s LSD Advocacy

On Robert Priddy’s Anti-Baba Wordpress blog, he published an article entitled “Moreno’s Wilful Deceptions About LSD And Robert Priddy” in which he openly and publicly attacked Gerald Joe Moreno as a “libeler”. Since Robert Priddy attacks Gerald Moreno on Wordpress (and publishes screencaps taken from Moreno’s Wordpress blog), a response is therefore necessary on Wordpress. Let us take a closer look at Robert Priddy’s actual words and see if Moreno’s comments are really “libels” or not (click thumbnail to enlarge):

Some select quotes:
Robert Priddy: “The above libel is just one small example of Gerald Moreno’s fanatical personal attacks and character assassination attempts against me. I have only advocated visiting a forum where drugs are discussed, so as to obtain at least a minimum of knowledge about what their use can involve. Some entries are interesting! I have not endorsed the contents of the forum, nor do I advocate the use of LSD-25!”

Robert Priddy: “My involvement with LSD ended many decades ago, long before John Lennon’s or many other famous persons experiments or outright use of this psychedelic agent. I first took it (as provided for general experimentation by the Minister of Health, Norway) in 1963, and only repeated the experiment twice in subsequent years. I have never advocated the use of LSD! Moreno cannot prove it, and he should take much greater care in what he ‘recklessly’ asserts.”

First and foremost, Robert Priddy has been praising and eulogizing his LSD-induced hallucinations for well over 46 years. Although Robert Priddy whined that his druggy years are “outdated” and “ancient”, it is amusing to note that Robert Priddy eulogized his “outdated” and “ancient” druggy years:

  1. In 1988 (25 years later) in his LSD article entitled “TRUTH, BEING AND BLISS - AN AMAZING PSYCHEDELIC EXPERIENCE - Described By Robert C. Priddy - British author & ret’d researcher and teacher in philosophy and sociology, University of Oslo, Norway”: “I try here to give as truthful an account as I can of what befell me in 1963. In the intervening 25 years I have continually been returning to that experience as as source of inspiration and in the hope that the fullest possible light may be shed on it for me.” (LSD Reference).

  2. In 1994 (31 years later) in his book “Source Of The Dream”, pg: 16-7, Chapter 2: ‘When the Soil is Ready’: “A totally mind-shattering and subsequently most wonderful and intensely ecstatic experience befell me one day, as if from out of the blue. Much could be said on the subject, as it is an almost entirely misunderstood one and thus very controversial, but I do not believe doing so would appreciably enlighten anyone who has not actually had the very same experience. I am certain that no words can capture the vital nature and truth of such an experience of transcendental consciousness...” (LSD Reference).

  3. In 2009 (46 years later) on his Anti-Baba Wordpress blog in an article entitled “Copyright Infringement By SathyaSaiBaba”.

Therefore, Robert Priddy DID advocate for his use of LSD and continually defends his LSD-induced hallucinations as being bona-fide, true and revelatory. What message does this send to people who may want to try LSD? According to Robert Priddy, “if one is well-balanced and fortunate in the circumstances” LSD can give bona fide realizations and revelations. In Moreno’s opinion, this is LSD Advocacy, clear and simple.

Robert Priddy’s Denial: LSD-Visions Were Not Hallucinations:

On Robert Priddy’s Anti-Baba Wordpress blog, he said the following about his LSD-induced hallucinations:
Robert Priddy: “On LSD-25 and alleged ‘drug-induced hallucinations’ Moreno makes false assumptions in dismissing LSD-25 experiences merely as induced hallucinations - it is very far from being so simple. Hallucinations can occur as a result of LSD, but they did not in my case. I was a student interested in psychiatry and psychology and my dose of LSD-25 was actually provided by the Norwegian Minister of Health explicitly for experimental purposes! Only one who has experienced it can have any idea at all of what inner clarity and scope of the mind may be released, if one is well-balanced and fortunate in the circumstances. In that I was in company with many well-known writers and hands-on researchers on the subject (egs. Aldous Huxley, Gerald Heard, Professor Susan Blackmore etc.) The dangers are considerable for borderline psychotics and others, so experiments are definitely not to be recommended to the public.”

In Robert Priddy’s detailed LSD articles (and in a subsequent update added by him after a Pro-Sai Activist found the LSD-related webpages), he never stated that his LSD-25 was “provided by the Norwegian Minister of Health explicitly for experimental purposes”. Robert Priddy specifically stated he first experimented with cannabis then later experimented with LSD when he was 26 years old in 1963 with his friend Eric Steadman (with whom he shared a “perfect unspoken telepathic awareness”) and the entire episode was saved on a tape-recorder he turned on.

Although Robert Priddy wrote about his LSD experiences in depth, he never mentioned anything about any University officials, volunteer testing, Karl Evang or that the LSD-25 he took was “provided by the Norwegian Minister of Health explicitly for experimental purposes”. Furthermore, Robert Priddy admitted he experimented with cannabis before he experimented with LSD in 1963, experimented with “strong bio-chemicals” and LSD years after he experimented with LSD in 1963 and even wrote about another LSD-induced hallucination in 1965. Therefore, Robert Priddy fully acknowledged he experimented with drugs prior to and after his initial LSD trip in 1963. Was Robert Priddy also using cannabis and other “strong bio-chemicals” for “experimental purposes”?

It is also significant to point out that the scientific community (contrary to Robert Priddy’s layman claims) unanimously agrees that LSD is a hallucinogenic drug and is commonly referred to as a “hallucinogen” (Refs: LSD 01 - LSD 02 - LSD 03 - LSD 04).

And let us not forget what exactly Robert Priddy claimed was revealed to him when he tripped on LSD. Robert Priddy claimed he saw (amidst lots of fluff and airy-fairy scenes) his wrist break with the bones sticking out of his flesh, compared the experience to what “schizophrenics may experience with intensity”, that his mind was ”deranged” and that his mind was “shattered into pieces again and again”. Gee, that doesn’t sound “hallucinatory” at all, does it? (sarcasm implied)

Let us take a look at the three people that Robert Priddy cited to support and defend his views on LSD:

  1. Susan Blackmore: “I hope that one day soon it will be; that as a society we will prove wise enough to use LSD for its highest potential, not its worst. And for purely selfish reasons, I hope this will happen in time for me to take LSD again in my lifetime and that, like Huxley, I may be able to take it on my deathbed.” (Ref)

  2. Aldous Huxley was a humanist and pacifist, and he was latterly interested in spiritual subjects such as parapsychology, Human Potential Movement, Vedanta and philosophical mysticism. He is also well known for advocating and taking psychedelics. Aldous Huxley took LSD on his deathbed and referred to LSD as “a mystical, religious experience”.

  3. Gerald Heard was a historian, science writer, educator, LSD advocate, philosopher and friend of Aldous Huxley.

Therefore, Robert Priddy’s current views on LSD are based on the views of LSD advocates he considers as authorities on the subject!

Therefore, Robert Priddy DID advocate for his use of LSD and continually defends his LSD-induced hallucinations as being bona-fide, true and revelatory. What message does this send to people who may want to try LSD? According to Robert Priddy, “if one is well-balanced and fortunate in the circumstances” LSD can give bona fide realizations and revelations. In Moreno’s opinion, this is LSD Advocacy, clear and simple.

LSD Advocate Robert Priddy Refers Readers To A Pro-Drug Website:

Attempting to bolster the case for his experimentation with LSD, Robert Priddy posted the following link on his Anti-Baba blog:

Robert Priddy: For objective source materials and intelligent discussions of LSD-25, see this major Forum

Since “scholar” Robert Priddy (who always boasts how thorough his research is) provided a link to (and described it as being “objective” and providing “intelligent discussions of LSD-25”), he apparently researched the site thoroughly and approved of its contents.

Let us take a closer look at, a website Robert Priddy described as “objective” and providing “intelligent discussions of LSD-25”.

First and foremost, is an international Pro-Drug website where users can request and/or share information on how to take, grow, purchase, make and use all types of illegal drugs, including LSD-25 (Refs: 01 - 02 - 03 or View Entire LSD Threads). All of these LSD-related threads prove that the discussions therein are far removed from being “objective” and do not provide “intelligent discussions on LSD-25” (unless you happen to be a drug addict). provides numerous threads advocating for legalizing all types of drugs (Ref) and even provides threads about which drugs maximize sexual experiences (Ref). also provides picture galleries so that users can identify hallucinogenic mushrooms, peyote, opiods, hallucinogenic cacti and hallucinogenic plants (Ref). A majority of the posts on the domain are chock full of invectives and graphic language. This is the type of Pro-Drug forum that “scholar” Robert Priddy described as being “objective” and providing “intelligent discussions on LSD-25”!

Robert Priddy revealed his drug advocacy and revealed his standards for “objectivity” and “intelligent discussion” by citing a Pro-Drug forum full of invectives that is intended for drug users!

So when Robert Priddy said “I have not endorsed the contents of the forum, nor do I advocate the use of LSD-25!”, he is lying through his teeth. Robert Priddy fully endorsed the contents of and openly boasted that it contained “objective” information about LSD-25 and provided “intelligent discussions of LSD-25”.

After Moreno published his article about Robert Priddy’s loud endorsement of, a Pro-Drug Forum intended for drug users (which he described as containing “objective source materials and intelligent discussions of LSD-25”), Robert Priddy rushed to do damage control (just as Moreno predicted he would) and removed the link to and said:

Robert Priddy: “Please note: Having looked more closely at the web pages on LSD-25 I had first linked to here I found them partly very misleading and that there was an overall bias towards possibly dangerous viewpoints, though there was also nonetheless a good deal of accurate historical and other materials in them and/or linked to them. As a whole those pages do not represent my standpoint, therefore the link is deleted”

“Scholar” Robert Priddy (who constantly claims he conducts thorough research) argued that (a Pro-Drug Forum intended for drug users) contained “objective source materials and intelligent discussions of LSD-25”). Now, however, Robert Priddy is claiming that his initial assessment of was wrong and the website is not as “objective” or as ”intelligent” as he first assessed it to be.

Robert Priddy has yet to specifically tell us which webpages on (a Pro-Drug Forum intended for drug users) contained a “good deal of accurate historical and other materials in them and/or linked to them”?

Robert Priddy would have the world believe that LSD is simply a great “mind clearer” that produces out-of-body experiences that result in enlightenment and visions of broken bones sticking out of bloody flesh!

Let readers decide if all these facts are indicative of LSD advocacy or not.

And far be it for Robert Priddy to whine and snivel about “libels” and “fanatical personal attacks and character assassination” when he has openly resorted to screencap fraud against Gerald Moreno and has falsely and fraudulently accused Gerald Moreno of being sexually molested by Sathya Sai Baba!

UPDATE: May 27th 2010

Just one day after Robert Priddy hissed about NOT being an LSD advocate, what did he do? Robert Priddy glorified his LSD-induced hallucinations in an article he wrote about Yaani Drucker and said (click thumbnail to enlarge):

Robert Priddy: “I experienced infinity, intense sweet bliss and paranormal intuition of minds and much more when I was 26.”

Robert Priddy is clearly referring to his LSD-induced hallucinations that he had when he was 26 years old. Even 46 years later, Robert Priddy is still describing his LSD-induced hallucinations in glowing and effusive ways that are 100% indicative of his LSD advocacy. Why doesn’t Robert Priddy just state the truth of the matter and say he hallucinated on LSD and those experiences were figments of his imagination and no one should use LSD at all? Robert Priddy will not say these things because he ADVOCATES for the integrity of LSD and he ADVOCATES for the experiences he had while tripping on it.


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Thursday, May 27, 2010

Screencap Falsifier Extraordinaire Robert Priddy

Screencap Falsifier Extraordinaire Robert Priddy

In an utterly psychotic post, Robert Priddy ranted endlessly (as he usually does) against Gerald Joe Moreno on his Anti-Baba Wordpress blog and actually had the temerity to indirectly admit that he resorted to screencap fraud but (as he glibly noted) “I have never altered any texts he actually posted”! Robert Priddy’s “magic-bullet” excuses are not just retro-actively ineffective but pro-actively inert. Let us take a look at Robert Priddy’s actual words:

Some select quotes:
Robert Priddy: Gerald Moreno is a known and widely and independently proven abuser of facts and truth – claiming my copies of his web texts are ‘fraudulent’ when I have never altered any texts he actually posted. Moreno cannot prove otherwise, however much he writes! No meaningful part of his text or his images has been altered or counterfeited in any way! So his claims are totally without any serious basis, as those who wish to search can discover. He rants on and on about pointless details and loses all sense of proportion and normal sane evaluation as follows (this is but a small sample of his virtually endless ravings):

The above statement is another Moreno tit-for-tat, for I first pointed out that he shows all the signs of mental instability. His characterisation of me is illustrative of what can only be a deep unconscious projection of his own negative ‘shadow’ personality onto me. The same inflammatory style of subconscious projection has been fully demonstrated by him in hundreds of web logs/pages against many other ex-devotees of Sai Baba.

Robert Priddy actually thinks it is OKAY to create and publish fraudulent, falsified and counterfeited “screencaps” of Gerald Moreno’s webpages as long as the text remains unchanged! I am sure that this type of despicable behavior is okay in Robert Priddy’s looney-tune world, but the real world would regard this behavior as dishonest, crooked and contemptible. By engaging in screencap fraud (which depicts Moreno’s text in manipulated and falsified templates), Robert Priddy has proven himself to be a con-man, liar and deceiver.

Of course, the BIG questions that Robert Priddy does not answer are:

  1. How exactly is he obtaining and creating his bogus and falsified “screencaps”?

  2. Why should he use bogus screencaps in the first place? Why not just cite the text? Why go slithering around falsifying, altering and manipulating bogus screencaps and presenting them as actual images taken from Moreno’s domain?

Robert Priddy is a fanatic and extremist who will go to great extents to justify his perversions and falsifications and present them as legitimate, honest and sincere!

Gerald Moreno openly challenged Robert Priddy on October 16th 2009 to publish the full “screencaps” he alleges he possesses of Moreno’s domain. To Date: Robert Priddy has adamantly refused to publish those alleged “screencaps”. Robert Priddy justified his inaction by saying:
Robert Priddy: “He further claims that I have posted counterfeit screencaps from his site (which was often changed and – for a long period – blocked from being archived thus making independent wayback archival proof impossible) and that I and other have ‘refused’ to show the full evidence) No such refusal has been issued, it is just not worth bothering with such empty exchanges with Moreno. However, so as not to break copyright rules by posting a complete download of his former series of pages, I offer this on a one-to-one basis to anyone who contacts me through the comments section here asking for this, but only on conditions of confidentiality (and they must not be mischief-makers like Moreno).”

In actuality, Robert Priddy’s “refusal” is abundantly evident as he has refused to publish the “screencaps” he alleges he possesses. As one can see, Robert Priddy thrives in secrecy under the cloak of darkness and under the conditions of “confidentiality” where he cannot be held accountable for his actions.

ATTENTION: I, Gerald Joe Moreno, hereby grant Robert Priddy full permission to duplicate and publish the screencaps he claims to possess. I, Gerald Joe Moreno, release Robert Priddy of all copyright liabilities since the screencaps are of my domain and since full permission has been given to Robert Priddy to publish them.

Robert Priddy’s excuse for not publishing the screencaps is utterly preposterous. Robert Priddy allegedly fears breaking “copyright rules” although he has already published dozens of screencaps from Moreno’s domains and blogs and has already broken copyright rules!

The only repercussion that Robert Priddy has to fear is more public humiliation for his blatant acts of screencap fraud. It has been abundantly evidenced that Robert Priddy is deceptively manipulating Moreno’s templates and he is undoubtedly attempting to buy time to make his counterfeited “screencaps” more believable. As of today, it has been seven and a half months since Moreno issued his challenge to Robert Priddy.

Robert Priddy’s Fraudulent Screencaps: Example 1

On Robert Priddy’s domain, he published a modified version of the following faked ‘screencap’ against Moreno, which Priddy’s hosting company forced him to delete after Moreno filed a DMCA complaint with them (Moreno’s picture has been covered and the thumbnail pic can be enlarged by clicking on it):

Obvious Discrepancies With The Fraudulent Screencap:

  1. Notice the complete difference in width.

  2. The picture is offset.

  3. The text is offset.

  4. The spacing between the text “~About Me~” and the picture is incorrect.

  5. The spacing between the picture and the text is incorrect.

  6. The bogus screen-cap states “New Mexico ~” when it should read “New Mexico, USA~” (the word “USA” is completely missing).

  7. The line that reads “I’m captivated by India” should be on one line. On the bogus screen-cap, it isn’t.

  8. The text on the original page is tightly snuggled between two side-bars. Notice the vertical, pink line on the bogus screencap (showing a gap where the other sidebar was obviously added). This vertical line is nowhere to be found on Moreno’s geocities website.

  9. Notice that the spacing between the sidebars is significantly wider than it is on Moreno’s geocities website. For instance, the sentence “For the past 14 years I have traveled many times to India” fills the entire space between the sidebars. On the bogus screencap, there is additional spacing on both sides of that sentence although the extra word “I’m” was added (note that the font size has been set in the html).

  10. The line that reads “I’m rational, logical and down to earth. Yes, seriously. I’m Caucasian/Italian/Mexican Blend and 34 years young” is the very last and concluding statement on the page. It is not (and never has been) located in the introductory comments, conclusively proving the screencap was faked.

Robert Priddy’s Fraudulent Screencaps: Example 2

Homoerotic Fantasizer Robert Priddy published the following screencap on his defamatory Anti-Baba blog that he alleged was taken from Moreno’s domain. In truth, the screencap most certainly did not come from Moreno’s domain! Even the title on Robert Priddy’s bogus screencap was messed up (whereas the title on Moreno’s webpage has never been messed up).

Obvious Discrepancies With Robert Priddy’s Bogus Screencap:

  1. The URL resolves to Moreno’s domain. Needless to say, Moreno never published his geocities webpages on his domain.

  2. The title on Moreno’s geocities webpage is on one line. On Robert Priddy’s bogus screencap, it is on two lines although the font size is exactly the same.

  3. Notice that the full screencap was not provided. Only a certain section.

Moreno’s geocities webpages were made using geocities webpage-maker. Therefore, all of the pictures and text in Moreno’s articles are set to exact specifications that cannot be easily duplicated on other websites. It certainly appears that Robert Priddy copied Moreno’s image files and attempted to mess with the html with obvious and messy results!

A simple way to falsify the screencap is to simply replace the web address with a different one. A simple tactic that anyone can do in a matter of seconds. For example, look at the following screencap. By observing it, one would think that the Albert Einstein template was published on Moreno’s domain. It wasn’t. The web address was simply changed and then the screencap was taken.

These are the types of shameless liars, deceivers and counterfeiters who are attempting to portray themselves as credible and moral voices against Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba!

Robert Priddy’s Fraudulent Screencaps: Example 3

While researching his article about David Bailey and Thomas Wiehe’s Phone Conversation, Gerald Joe Moreno found three more fraudulent “screencaps” on Robert Priddy’s official domain: See for yourself (click the thumbnail to enlarge):

Obvious Discrepancies With The Bogus Screencaps:

  1. Notice the complete difference in width (Moreno’s webpage is set to exact HTML width specifications).

  2. Notice the blue background is missing.

  3. Notice how the font looks different.

  4. Notice a yellow icon next to the red arrow (which has never been published on Moreno’s domain).

In truth, Robert Priddy’s bogus “screencaps” were not taken from Moreno’s official website but were falsified and counterfeited by Con-Man Robert Priddy. Moreno’s webpage is set to exact HTML specifications in regards to width and Robert Priddy’s screencaps are half the size of Moreno’s webpage (proving they are frauds)! View Moreno’s Official Webpage Here and compare it to the bogus “screencaps” published on Robert Priddy’s official domain: (simply roll your cursor over the following links to view’s image captures):




Robert Priddy is a liar, deceiver and falsifier who is so desperate and frenzied to smear Gerald Joe Moreno, he apparently needs to resort to blatant acts of screencap fraud and apparently doesn’t care if everyone sees him doing it! Now readers have a better idea why Gerald Moreno often refers to Robert Priddy as a mentally imbalanced “extremist” and “fanatic” in need of orthodox psychological help.

Robert Priddy Distracts With Ad Hominem Attacks Against Moreno

Robert Priddy took off on a rabid ad hominem attack against Gerald Moreno, accusing him of “projection” and saying that an unnamed psychologist claimed that Moreno was suffering from OCD. Of course, Robert Priddy’s feral attacks against Sathya Sai Baba, Sai Devotees and Pro-Sai Activists “can only be a deep unconscious projection of his own negative ‘shadow’ personality” and is indicative of OCD. Robert Priddy’s argument against Moreno applies to him as well.

Regarding the OCD claim, the following argument that Robert Priddy used can be mirrored back at him: “His envious and obnoxious speculations about my personality – which all who know me are aware – are entirely false, yet he presents them as if they were factual! He has never met or seen me.” If Robert Priddy can shield speculations about his mental health by using the argument above, so can Moreno. Needless to say, Robert Priddy engages in obnoxious speculations about Moreno’s personality even though he claims Moreno has no right to engage in speculation about his personality!

Robert Priddy is an egotist who thinks he is perfectly entitled to judge others but feels he should not be judged. Hypocrisy, clear and simple.

Robert Priddy (deviating further off topic) then published composite images in an attempt to smear Moreno. And yet, Robert Priddy and Barry Pittard published composite images on their Anti-Baba blogs and believe there is absolutely nothing wrong in doing so:

- Pseudo-Moralist Robert Priddy
- Pseudo Moralist Barry Pittard

Why the double standards? Poor Robert Priddy! The only time he opens his mouth is to stick his foot in it.

Screencap Falsifier Extraordinaire Robert Priddy:

Needless to say, Robert Priddy has a long and established history of distortions, lies, defamations and libels.

  1. Robert C. Priddy is a laughable pervert who had the audacity to fabricate sexual molestation claims against Gerald Joe Moreno.

  2. Robert C. Priddy is a laughable con-artist who published fraudulent screencaps against Gerald Joe Moreno and adamantly refuses to vindicate his claims by publishing full screencaps to Moreno’s domain.

  3. Robert C. Priddy is a laughable stooge who attributed his own computer’s IP to Gerald Joe Moreno.

  4. Robert C. Priddy is in perpetual denial and publicly defends his laughable SheilaWaring Lie even though other critics have distanced themselves from that controversy.

  5. Robert Priddy is a laughable LSD Advocate who even cited a Pro-Drug Forum intended for Drug Users to defend his LSD-induced hallucinations.

  6. Robert Priddy claimed to possess telepathy without the aid of LSD and claimed to possess telepathy with the aid of LSD!

  7. Robert Priddy is a malicious defamer who was sent packing with his tail between his legs when Leo Rebello Threatened Him With A $1,000,000 Lawsuit For Defamation.

  8. Senile Robert Priddy stated that Moreno claimed he was sexually abused under his Joe Apodaca Submission even though Moreno never made such a claim.

  9. Robert Priddy is a Pseudo-Moralist Clown who loves to attack others for composite images while endorsing and publishing composite images himself!

  10. Robert Priddy delusionally claimed that Sathya Sai Baba Personally Invited Him To India.

  11. Robert Priddy formerly Worshipped & Kissed Sathya Sai Baba’s feet.

  12. Robert Priddy Maliciously Lied About Joy Thomas and refuses to retract his bold-faced lies.

  13. Robert Priddy claimed he had a Telepathic Connection To Sathya Sai Baba.

  14. Robert Priddy documented a Homoerotic Dream With His Former Guru that involved the guru sucking up and swallowing a substance associated with his sex chakra!

  15. The list goes on and on.

Of course, none of these things are surprising considering that Robert Priddy is an LSD Advocate who is thoroughly obsessed with genital oilings and who relishes projecting his homoerotic fantasies onto Moreno. Robert Priddy is allied with Bisexual & Psychic Trance Medium Conny Larsson and Child Porn Purveyor RFJ Sandt and Perverted Fetishist Sanjay Dadlani. Robert Priddy is also a staunch promoter of New Age Advocate & Reincarnator Alan Kazlev and Guru & UFO Promoter Timothy Conway (who actually believes that Sathya Sai Baba may have molested alleged victims like aliens are alleged to do through abductions!).

The only people guilty of running “massive disinformation and cover-up campaigns” are Robert Priddy and Ex-Devotees who have attacked hundreds of Sai Devotees & Non-Devotees alike and who have created hundreds of webpages to defame, libel and smear Gerald Joe Moreno. What more can one do but laugh at loud at Robert Priddy and his hypocritical finger-pointing?

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DMCA Deceit By Robert Priddy

DMCA Deceit By Robert Priddy

On Robert Priddy’s Anti-Baba Wordpress blog, he published an article entitled “Moreno’s Wilful Deceptions About LSD And Robert Priddy” in which he openly and publicly attacked Gerald Joe Moreno as a “libeler”. Let us take a closer look at Robert Priddy’s actual words (click thumbnail to enlarge):

Some select quotes:
Moreno has illegally posted copyrighted articles of mine from 1987 which I removed from the Internet, and DMCA have accepted my copyright (in contradiction to what Moreno states, knowing full well that the DMCA notice caused wordpress to make him remove those articles from ‘See notice from wordpress here:-

See also here In short, yet more lying and deception by Moreno!). He compounded his illegal act by posting these articles copiously on blogspot and other sites which do not accept responsibility for copyright violations!

First and foremost, senile Robert Priddy is obviously confusing the DMCA with Wordpress’ Automattic DMCA. These two DMCA’s are not quite the same. Wordpress (as a free blog) simply honored Robert Priddy’s request to have his Pro-LSD articles removed from Moreno’s free Wordpress blog.

Robert Priddy claimed that DMCA copyright complaints were submitted against Moreno to Google and Blogger. Robert Priddy lamented that both of his DMCA copyright complaints were ignored by Google and Blogger (proving that Moreno’s duplication of Priddy’s Pro-LSD articles is “fair use”). Needless to say, if a true copyright infringement had occurred, Moreno’s webpages would have been removed from Google search results and Robert Priddy’s copyright complaints would have been published on (which has never happened).

Therefore, Wordpress’ Automattic DMCA accepted Robert Priddy’s copyright complaints. Google & Blogger’s DMCA and Chilling Effects did NOT accept Robert Priddy’s copyright complaints. Therefore, Robert Priddy purposely distorted the truth when he said that the “DMCA” accepted his copyright complaints. They most certainly did NOT! If the DMCA truly accepted Robert Priddy’s copyright complaints, why are Moreno’s websites still indexed on Google’s search engine and why can’t Robert Priddy supply us with the link to his public DMCA copyright complaints that would have been published on

For example, do a Google search for “Dan Winter” (who happens to be a “lunatic fringe” Anti-Sai Activist). At the bottom of the page, it says:
“In response to a legal request submitted to Google, we have removed 2 result(s) from this page. If you wish, you may read more about the request at”

This is what happens when legitimate DMCA copyright complaints are filed with Google. Gerald Joe Moreno clearly stated that Google & Blogger ignored Robert Priddy’s DMCA copyright complaints. Moreno never claimed that Wordpress’ Automattic DMCA ignored his copyright complaints. There is a difference! Read Moreno’s articles for yourself:

  1. Copyright Blathering Backfires

  2. Robert Priddy’s Copyright Blathering

Robert Priddy Is A Notable Public Figure

Robert C. Priddy created his own Wikipedia page in which he solicited himself as a notable public figure in relation to Philosophy and his former Indian Guru Sri Sathya Sai Baba (whom Priddy once hailed as God Incarnate and the Avatar of the Age!).

Robert Priddy released his biographical data on a personal website hosted by a free, online hosting company in Norway ( On this free web-hosting domain, Robert Priddy personally disclosed biographical data that included stories of his experimentation with LSD, cannabis and other mind-altering drugs. Robert Priddy deleted these public domain webpages after he defected from the Sai Movement because he obviously feared that those articles would compromise his so-called “credibility” and “integrity” (Ref).

Robert C. Priddy is now attempting to remove his relevant, unsavory, public and self-disclosed biographical data from the internet by crying “copyright infringement” although the biographical material in question was released by him into the public domain as self-disclosure. As a notable public figure, Robert Priddy’s Pro-LSD articles are public domain and are relevant to him, his life, his spiritual views and his philosophical beliefs.

Robert Priddy himself described in great detail how his LSD-induced hallucinations significantly impacted his life, his spiritual views and his philosophical beliefs. Consequently, Robert Priddy’s Pro-LSD articles are noteworthy and fall under “fair use” as this information provides grounds for critical commentaries about him and his status as a Philosopher and notable public figure. See:

  1. Robert Priddy’s “The Psychedelic Experience” (or Archive 01)

  2. Robert Priddy’s “Truth, Being And Bliss” (or Archive 01 - Archive 02)

  3. Robert Priddy’s “A Vision Of Cosmic Energy” (or Archive 01 - Archive 02)

  4. Robert Priddy - An LSD Advocate Citing A Pro-Drug Forum For Drug Users

  5. Robert Priddy’s Removal Of Biographical Data From Personal Website

  6. Robert Priddy’s Copyright Blathering

  7. Robert Priddy Eulogized His LSD-Induced Hallucinations For 30+ years

Robert Priddy Is A Copyright Infringer

Robert Priddy gnashed his teeth and wailed considerably about “copyright infringement” and yet he purposely suppressed the fact that Wordpress removed three of Moreno’s copyright protected images from his Anti-Baba Wordpress blog! Robert Priddy published three versions of Moreno’s picture on his Wordpress blog ( Moreno filed a Wordpress DMCA copyright complaint through, was able to substantiate his copyrights and Wordpress deleted the images:

So what does this say about Robert Priddy?
Priddy has illegally posted copyrighted pictures of mine from 2004 which I removed from the Internet, and DMCA have accepted my copyright (Robert Priddy knows full well that the DMCA notice caused wordpress to remove those pictures from

Yet more lying and deception by Priddy! Priddy compounded his illegal act by posting Moreno’s pictures copiously on blogspot and other sites which do not accept responsibility for copyright violations!

Turn about is fair play, Mr Priddles!

However, this is only the tip of the iceberg. Moreno succeeded in getting his copyright protected picture removed from Robert Priddy, Alan Kazlev and Kevin R. D. Shepherd’s official domains (unrelated to Wordpress).

Robert Priddy published Moreno’s picture on Moreno filed a DMCA complaint with, was able to substantiate his copyrights to them and Robert Priddy was required to remove the image (the image now redirects to the Anti-Baba website

Robert Priddy published Moreno’s picture on Moreno filed a DMCA complaint with, was able to substantiate his copyrights to them and the image was removed: also removed this image from their servers after Moreno submitted a DMCA complaint with them as well. Robert Priddy thought he could reference Moreno’s image with’s screencapture option through his sathyasaibabanews Wordpress blog.

Kevin R. D. Shepherd published Moreno’s picture on three of his domains hosted on 123-REG.CO.UK. Moreno filed a DMCA complaint with 123-REG.CO.UK, was able to subtantiate his copyrights to them and the images were removed from all three domains:

M. Alan Kazlev (an associate of Priddy & Shepherd and the webmaster for, which is hosted by duplicated Moreno’s pictures onto his website. Moreno filed a DMCA complaint with, was able to subtantiate his copyrights to them and the images were removed:

Gerald Joe Moreno also succeeded in getting the largest Anti-Baba domain on the world-wide-web shut-down for copyright infringement until the offending material was removed. See:

- SaiSathyaSai Domain Illegally Stolen By ExBaba Webmaster

Needless to say, one will not find a single complaint coming out of either side of Robert Priddy two-sided mouth about his and his associates proven acts of copyright infringement!

Even more amusing is how Robert Priddy attempted to get Wordpress to remove the following two articles by Moreno (which contained no semblance of copyright infringement and which Automattic claimed were “fair use”!):

- VKN – V. K. Narasimhan – Journalist & Devotee
- ‘Lunatic Fringe’ And Kooks Among EX-Devotees Of Sathya Sai Baba

Robert Priddy is a self-serving and egotistical hypocrite who thinks he is perfectly entitled to act in ways he deems others should not!

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Thursday, May 20, 2010

Robert Priddy Resorts To Screencap Fraud Again

Robert Priddy Resorts To Screencap Fraud Again

While writing his article entitled David Bailey’s Phone Conversation Transcript From 1999 / 2000, Gerald Joe Moreno found three more fraudulent “screencaps” by Robert Priddy. Click the thumbnail to enlarge:

Discrepancies With The Fraudulent Screencap:

  1. Notice the complete difference in width (Moreno’s webpage is set to exact HTML width specifications).

  2. Notice the blue background is missing.

  3. Notice how the font looks different.

  4. Notice a yellow icon next to the red arrow (which has never been published on Moreno’s domain).

In truth, Robert Priddy’s bogus “screencaps” were not taken from Moreno’s official website but was falsified and counterfeited by Con-Man Robert Priddy. Moreno’s webpage is set to exact HTML specifications in regards to width and Robert Priddy’s screencaps are half the size of Moreno’s webpage (proving they are frauds)! View Moreno’s Official Webpage Here and compare it to the “screencaps” provided by Robert Priddy.

Why Robert Priddy would continue to shamelessly and recklessly publish falsified and fraudulent screencaps against Moreno remains a mystery.

Robert Priddy is a liar, deceiver and falsifier who is so desperate and frenzied to smear Gerald Joe Moreno, he apparently needs to resort to blatant acts of screencap fraud and apparently doesn’t care if everyone sees him doing it! Now readers have a better idea why Gerald Moreno often refers to Robert Priddy as a mentally imbalanced “extremist” and “fanatic”.

Robert Priddy - The Anti-Sai-Baba Extremist:

Needless to say, LSD advocate Robert Priddy has a long and established history of distortions, lies, defamations and libels.

  1. Robert C. Priddy is a laughable pervert who had the audacity to fabricate sexual molestation claims against Gerald Joe Moreno.

  2. Robert C. Priddy is a laughable con-artist who published fraudulent screencaps against Gerald Joe Moreno and adamantly refuses to vindicate his claims by publishing full screencaps to Moreno’s domain.

  3. Robert C. Priddy is a laughable stooge who attributed his own computer’s IP to Gerald Joe Moreno.

  4. Robert C. Priddy is in perpetual denial and publicly defends his laughable SheilaWaring Lie even though other critics have distanced themselves from that controversy.

  5. Robert Priddy is a laughable LSD Advocate who even cited a Pro-Drug Forum intended for Drug Users to defend his LSD-induced hallucinations.

  6. Robert Priddy claimed to possess telepathy without the aid of LSD and claimed to possess telepathy with the aid of LSD!

  7. Robert Priddy is a malicious defamer who was sent packing with his tail between his legs when Leo Rebello Threatened Him With A $1,000,000 Lawsuit For Defamation.

  8. Senile Robert Priddy stated that Moreno claimed he was sexually abused under his Joe Apodaca Submission even though Moreno never made such a claim.

  9. Robert Priddy is a Pseudo-Moralist Clown who loves to attack others for composite images while endorsing and publishing composite images himself!

  10. Robert Priddy delusionally claimed that Sathya Sai Baba Personally Invited Him To India.

  11. Robert Priddy formerly Worshipped & Kissed Sathya Sai Baba’s feet.

  12. Robert Priddy Maliciously Lied About Joy Thomas and refuses to retract his bold-faced lies.

  13. Robert Priddy claimed he had a Telepathic Connection To Sathya Sai Baba.

  14. Robert Priddy documented a Homoerotic Dream With His Former Guru that involved the guru sucking up and swallowing a substance associated with his sex chakra!

  15. The list goes on and on.

Of course, none of these things are surprising considering that Robert Priddy is an LSD Advocate who is thoroughly obsessed with genital oilings and who relishes projecting his homoerotic fantasies onto Moreno. Robert Priddy is allied with Bisexual & Psychic Trance Medium Conny Larsson and Child Porn Purveyor RFJ Sandt and Perverted Fetishist Sanjay Dadlani. Robert Priddy is also a staunch promoter of New Age Advocate & Reincarnator Alan Kazlev and Guru & UFO Promoter Timothy Conway (who actually believes that Sathya Sai Baba may have molested alleged victims like aliens are alleged to do through abductions!).

The only people guilty of running “massive disinformation and cover-up campaigns” are Robert Priddy and Ex-Devotees who have attacked hundreds of Sai Devotees & Non-Devotees alike and who have created hundreds of webpages to defame, libel and smear Gerald Joe Moreno. What more can one do but laugh at loud at Robert Priddy and his hypocritical finger-pointing?

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