Why Is Robert Priddy Citing A Channeler & Medium Against Sathya Sai Baba?Robert Priddy (an ex-devotee who worshipped
Sathya Sai Baba as God Incarnate for
17-26 years) has been
widely promoting, citing and endorsing the Anti-Sai Activist
Conny Larsson on his Anti-Sai websites and Anti-Sai Wordpress blog (even as recently as October 14th 2008).
The widely dispersed
core allegations against Sathya Sai Baba can be
directly traced to two highly questionable characters in the Anti-Sai Movement, i.e.,
Conny Larsson and
Tal Brooke. Although a
separate article has been devoted to Tal Brooke, his religious fundamentalism, Christian extremism, experimentation with LSD and his defection from the Sai Movement due to an
"out of body demonic encounter" (more than likely a drug-induced bad trip), this article will focus more on
Robert Priddy and his psychic friend and co-conspirator
Conny Larsson.
In Robert Priddy's Pro-Sai Book
Source Of The Dream, he talked several times about Conny Larsson and there is little doubt that Conny Larsson's defection from the Sai Movement was the
primary reason for his defection as well. Robert Priddy even attended a meeting at Stockholm Royal in Sweden and sat next to multi-millionaire Conny Larsson as a panelist member speaking against Sathya Sai Baba (
Ref). Within the last few years, Conny Larsson has developed from a vocal ex-devotee to an
"internationally renowned" psychic trance medium for the spirit of Maharshi Vyasa (amusingly, a claim that Christian Tal Brooke would argue to be demonic and Satanic in nature).
During Conny Larsson's metamorphosis into a psychic channeler and spirit medium, Robert Priddy
purposely suppressed and
avoided all discussion of Conny Larsson's psychic claims on his Anti-Sai websites (obviously fearing the repercussions that one of the
founding members to the Anti-Sai Movement would be perceived to be a loon, charlatan and possible schizophrenic who hears
"spirit voices" in his head). Even more amusing is Robert Priddy's ceaseless trashing and bashing of psychics, channelers and mediums as
"true believers" and
"absurd charlatans" belonging to the
lunatic fringe seen in cults, ashrams and religious movements (see Priddy's Wordpress article entitled
Robert Priddy can often be seen siding with Indian rationalists, skeptics and atheists and demands
"scientific investigation" into Sathya Sai Baba's purported miracles and world-wide manifestations. However, when it comes to Psychic Conny Larsson, Robert Priddy puts aside his pseudo-rationalistic, pseudo-skeptic and pseudo-scientific beliefs and
openly praises,
endorses and
cites Psychic Conny Larsson as a man of integrity and honesty! This type of hilarious public posturing is
dishonest and
blatantly hypocritical. Needless to say, Robert Priddy is
unable to make a sober or consistent argument against Sathya Sai Baba without shooting himself in the very same foot he
so often sticks into his mouth.
Further adding to the overwhelming hypocrisy of it all, is the
fact that Robert Priddy once professed belief in
“elementals, elves, fairies, leprechauns, gnomes, trolls, water spirits, animal and plant spirits or ‘devas’ , angels, invisible helpers, shaman ‘spirits’, ‘allies’, UFOs, extra-terrestrials, possessive demons, Satan, Pan-figures and other demi-gods” (
Robert Priddy also attributed his
most profound spiritual experiences to
LSD-Induced hallucinations, which he has been praising for well over 30+ years. Even Robert Priddy’s son,
Kai Nicolai Priddy, is a
"true believer" in Astrology and is the webmaster and registrant for the
AbacusAstrology.co.uk Domain. Robert Priddy
refuses to say one word about his own son’s
“superstitious” beliefs although he trashes and bashes others for their
"lunatic fringe" beliefs on his Anti-Sai Wordpress blog.
Robert Priddy ceaselessly attempts to portray himself as an intelligent, scientific and rational individual even though his current
association and
Anti-Sai Activism with
Psychic Trace Medium Conny Larsson speaks for him to the contrary.
These are the
typical types of questionable characters who are attempting to smear, defame and ridicule Sathya Sai Baba. The truth is now out and there is
no stopping it.
Labels: Conny Larsson, psychics, robert priddy, true believer