NitwitNastik And Robert Priddy
In the never-ending hypocrisy that altogether exemplifies the Anti-Sai movement, Robert Priddy and an anonymous person using the name "Nitwit Nastik" (or "NitwitNastik") have joined forces in a crusade for rationality, skepticism, science, agnosticism and Anti-Sai activism!
First Things First: Defining "Nitwit Nastik":
Nitwit: Noun: A stupid or silly person. (Reference)
Nastik: Can refer to "Nastika", Indian philosophical schools and persons that do not accept the authority of the Vedas as supreme. "Nastika" is often translated as "atheist". (Reference)
Consequently, "Nitwit Nastik" literally means "a stupid or silly atheist". How apropos! NitwitNastik defines himself as an "amateur agnostic", belongs to an online group of Indian Atheists, is entirely anonymous, has a rather queer propensity to slur and malign people belonging to the faith of Islam, is an admirer of the defamer and conspiracy theorist Robert Priddy and is an admirer of the foul-mouthed George Carlin (Ref).
Nitwit Nastik’s Anonymous Status Called Into Question:
Robert Priddy viciously attacked Pro-Sai activists when they desired to maintain anonymity and called them (Ref):
It is "pitiful" that Nitwit Nastik cannot live up to Robert Priddy's standards and does not have "the courage to stand forth like a man" and divulge his true identity.
This is yet another perfect example of Robert Priddy's laughable hypocrisy in which he demands full names from Pro-Sai Activists, yet makes no demands for full names from Anti-Sai Activists. Robert Priddy was also caught posting anonymously on QuickTopic using the names "bandbox" and "Lisa demoniser" (Ref). Robert Priddy is a brazen deceiver and an obvious phony who can't back up his precept with practice.
Nitwit Nastik And True Believer Robert Priddy:
Nitwitnastik exclusively references links to atheistic and skeptical material on his wordpress blog. Amusingly, Nitwit Nastik also linked to Robert Priddy's Anti-Sai-Baba blog because he apparently was duped into thinking that Robert Priddy is actually a skeptic who promotes scientific thought! Well, Nitwit Nastik is in for a rude awakening.
Although Robert Priddy attempts to con the general public into thinking he is entirely given to scientific reasoning, he is actually a true believer and a fierce defender, promoter, endorser, solicitor and friend of various self-professed psychics, trance mediums, reiki healers, guru wannabees, superstitionists, eccentric spiritualists, astrologers (including his own son, Kai Nicolai Priddy, who is heavily into astrology and is the webmaster for and other "lunatic fringe" Baba bashers.
Robert Priddy promotes, endorses and/or professes friendship with:
- Trance Channeler & Self-Proclaimed Prophet Conny Larsson
- Guru Promoter, UFO Conspiracist & True Believer PhD Timothy Conway
- New Age Advocate & Reincarnator Alan Kazlev
- Self-Proclaimed Spiritual Master ‘Ramana Baba’
- Ramtha Devotee Ullrich Zimmermann
- Fetishist & Hare Krsna Congregational Member Sanjay Dadlani
- Reiki Master And Spiritual Healer Yaman Konuralp
As a matter of fact, when Robert Priddy attempts to defend himself against Joe Moreno (a Pro-Sai Activist) he directs his readers to either:
- Psychic Trance Medium Conny Larsson's website (located at
- Reincarnator, New Age Advocate and Grungy Integral Philosopher Alan Kazlev's website (located at
How's that for "scientific" or "rational"? Robert Priddy is obviously a very gullible and naive "true believer" who is willing to give credence to non-scientific beliefs by claiming that trance mediums, self-proclaimed prophets, aura readers, seance conductors, New Age advocates, guru adherents, self-proclaimed reincarnators and the like are intelligent, honest, credible and reliable individuals worthy of being referenced by him (a so-called “scholar” and “academic” not given to lunatic fringe or superstitious beliefs)! To Date: Robert Priddy adamantly refuses to say one word about his promotion and endorsement of these "lunatic fringe" (Priddy's favorite slur) individuals.
Robert Priddy was also a promoter of LSD and eulogized his own LSD-induced hallucinations for well over 30+ years! See:
- Robert Priddy’s Removal Of Biographical Data From Personal Website
- Robert Priddy’s Biographical Suppression
- Robert Priddy’s “The Psychedelic Experience” (or Archive 01)
- Robert Priddy’s “Truth, Being And Bliss” (or Archive 01)
- Robert Priddy’s “A Vision Of Cosmic Energy” (or Archive 01)
- Robert Priddy’s 30+ Year Glorification Of LSD
And to top it all off, Robert Priddy believes (even to this day, after his defection) that Sathya Sai Baba possesses genuine paranormal powers.
Robert Priddy: “Nonetheless, it will surely surprise some that I am still almost certain - on the basis of extended personal observation - that Sathya Sai Baba can and does carry out apports, which therefore can appear as materialisations from nothing.”
Apports are said to be physical objects in existence that are dematerialized from one location and rematerialized to another.
Robert Priddy: “Some of what I experienced of SSB’s extraordinary and positive powers through many years is undeniable, even after the most rigorous skeptical investigations, and I do not regard him as any ordinary human being. I have simply had to realize that his actions in the worldly and human sphere are not infallible and are not always setting a perfect example for others.”
Robert Priddy believes that Sathya Sai Baba possesses genuine paranormal powers because the Guru cured him of a debilitating and chronic neck and spinal problem that no one else could cure and whose symptoms no doctor could alleviate. Robert Priddy claimed that Sathya Sai Baba cured him through a series of “dream-operations” that resulted in a literal and physical transformation of his spine, which was supported by x-rays and the testimony of Mr. Kylie (“an osteopath and master of various other disciplines”).
Robert Priddy also claimed that Sathya Sai Baba freed his mother from chronic pain and that a small speck of Sathya Sai Baba’s vibuthi instantaneously cured his paralyzed cat when it suffered from what appeared to be a stroke.
Robert Priddy tries to make the case that Sathya Sai Baba:
Trying to pass himself off as an intellectual who currently holds rationalistic beliefs, Robert Priddy miserably fails to explain away the enigma of Sathya Sai Baba. Instead, Robert Priddy appears very confused, conflicted and non-intelligent and ends up sticking his foot further into his mouth with his never-ending and very amusing equivocations.
Consequently, NitwitNastik is promoting superstition and lunatic fringe beliefs by holding hands and associating himself with true believer Robert Priddy. Of course, I submitted a comment to NitWitNastik's blog revealing these facts but he did not publish it and instead chose to protect Robert Priddy.
How ironic: Robert Priddy protected and promoted by an "amateur" and a nitwit! A double whammy.
Labels: Nitwit Nastik, NitwitNastik, Robert C. Priddy, Robert Crichton Priddy, robert priddy, robertpriddy, Robin Priddy