Robert Priddy Exposed

Exposing The Anti-Sai Extremist And Ex-Devotee Of Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba.

Saturday, September 02, 2006

Robert Priddy's Drug Years

Robert Priddy: The Anti-Sai-Baba Extremist

At: (which Robert Priddy deleted), Priddy talked about "misguided drug policies" and his "psychedelic experiences". Priddy wrote 3 articles about his drug-induced experiences that he eulogized in no uncertain terms: 1) "Truth, Being and Bliss"; 2) "The Psychedelic Experience" and 3) "A Vision of Cosmic Energy". Although I personally hold nothing against Priddy for his experimentation with (and glorification of) drugs, I am very curious why he deleted the articles. Why did he remove them? Priddy has nothing to hide, right? Priddy even went as far as blocking so no one could read about his use of drugs:

Priddy Blocked Archive.Org From Accessing His Drug Pages:

Priddy's Original Page With 3 Drug Articles: "Truth, Being and Bliss", "The Psychedelic Experience", "A Vision of Cosmic Energy":

Priddy Removed Drug & Other Articles In An Attempt To Damage Control:

Robert Priddy wrote the following about his experimentation with illegal drugs:
I discovered some of this ailment in myself by using the psychedelic agents cannabis and later, in a shockingly convincing and exhaustive way, with the chemical mind-altering (or mind-suspending) substance LSD 25, which showed me that there was a gap between perception and thought, and that re-opening it led to wonderful experiences of a much higher consciousness than anything previously encountered by me. A proper training in meditation might possibly have done the same more smoothly and securely, though doubtless only after many years of constant practise...

When I heard that the health authorities themselves had sent a psychiatrist I knew large samples of an extraordinary substance very similar to mescaline for experimentation, I was interested in a chance to try it too. A friend, Eric Steadman, had already taken a dose of it and recommended us taking some together. After 18 hours of fasting I took five blue capsules of Sandoz LSD-25, a mere 125 micrograms!...

Despite the preliminary reading and some previous trials with cannabis, I was really totally unprepared for the earth-shaking scale of the inner upheaval that came. I had not even imagined that psychosis, which LSD has been said to simulate, could be anything like as disasterous as what overtook me during the first hour or so of 'hell'. Nothing in my previous life was even remotely as intensely beautiful and awe-inspiring as the 'heaven' that superceded it...

After some years I did occasionally try various strong bio-chemicals and also LSD-25 again with varying results, both hellish and heavenly. I did not become addicted, the experience being so powerful as to have a most subtle long-term draining effect on my spirits. There was also the growing realisation that the results were less inspiring as time went on and progress towards making such awareness permanent was not noticeable...

The psychedelic drugs have also been blamed for the destruction of genetic material and brain cells but, from the point of view of the philosophy of science I must confirm what even intelligent laymen can reckon, that the scientific evidence so far - where it is not concocted according to strong preconceptions - is flimsy indeed. Some of these agents may well cause physical degeneration of various sorts, but the case is far from being proven, as many investigations have clearly been heavily biassed from the start...

Public deception and factual ignorance on the part of health authorities, who should know better, is co-responsible for the early criminalisation of some of the flower of our youth, who move to heavier drugs or simply rot in prisons to no purpose whatever. By comparison, tobacco and alcohol really are killers on a very large scale, which psychogenic drugs (i.e. cannabis, mescaline, LDS-25 and ecstasy) are definitely not...

In wishing to write mostly from direct experience rather than theory or guesswork I try here to give as truthful an account as I can of what befell me in 1963. In the intervening 25 years I have continually been returning to that experience as as source of inspiration and in the hope that the fullest possible light may be shed on it for me. Decidedly the most intense experience of my life hitherto, it came without warning and without preparation on my part...

That abnormal or supernormal condition of duality, perhaps known as 'split-mindedness', was like being at once both the body-mind entity and merely the totally unattached witness of it (in other words, being a neutral observer of myself as an incarnated ego-self in a material environment) may well be what many schizophrenics experience with intensity...

Even though Robert Priddy claimed that "no lasting good can from it (drugs)", his glorification of his drug-induced experiences speak for him to the contrary. Although Robert Priddy says that he is against drug use, in priciple, his statement of having "wonderful experiences of a much higher consciousness than anything previously encountered by me", actually promotes drug use and would be particularly encouraging to those seeking to have such types of altered experiences.

Even more disturbing is how Robert Priddy (after becoming an Anti-Sai Activist) immediately deleted information about his past drug use in an attempt to do damage control and preserve the facade that he is a wholesome character. This couldn't be further from the truth. Robert Priddy is an acidic (no pun intended) personality whose personal vendetta against Sathya Sai Baba is filled with lies, deceit and dishonesty.


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